Start your life coaching journey with us because it’s about your students, neighbors, families, or yourself!
School Communities
- Request services for your entire school district, school, or a teacher
- Identify grade level(s) served (K-12)
- Schedule presentations or workshops
- Choose from virtual, in-person, or pre-recorded options
- Select in-school time or out-of-school time
- Request services for your neighborhood or organization
- Identify community members served (families, youth, elders, church, other)
- Schedule presentations or workshops
- Choose from virtual, in-person, or pre-recorded options
- Select the date and time
- Request services for your family group (with at least one K-12 student)
- Identify family members who would attend
- Schedule one or more life coaching sessions
- Choose from a virtual or in-person option
- Select the date and time
- Request services for yourself or your child (K 12 and young adults up to 25 years of age)
- Identify areas of need and age
- Schedule one or more life coaching sessions
- Choose from a virtual or in-person option
- Select the date and time