Homeschooling Helps Introverted Students Thrive

Introverted students often face hardships when interacting with their classmates; they can be bullied for being shy. Many parents feel administrators do not discipline bullies as well as they should. Some families choose to give their children a happy, healthy, and rewarding education through virtual classes, homeschooling, and hybrid learning. Face-to-face education combined with virtual classes gives students a chance to cultivate their talents at school through extracurricular activities while gaining confidence in their abilities.


Why Homeschool?

“Homeschooling is an educational process that students are taught at home. On the other hand, public education is an educational process that uses a separate building to teach a diverse group of children” (Mohinakhon, 2023, 196). The main focus of education is to strengthen the skills and vocational qualities of each student. This can be difficult in a classroom of over thirty students with only one teacher. Sometimes, students can be overlooked, and some students’ educational needs may not be fully addressed. For this reason, many parents hire tutors or retired teachers to homeschool their children, or they look to the community for afterschool programs to help with homework. All of these avenues can help students who have difficulty speaking up. They provide an opportunity for students to come out of their isolation and ask questions.


Learning from Home is Convenient

Parents who work out of their house can enjoy the convenience of working and educating their children in the comfort of their own homes. When homeschooling, parents can design their work schedule around their children’s coursework. These students can be more motivated to learn because the pressures of bullying are nonexistent. However, homeschooled students can still benefit from making friends by enrolling in local community programs. There are so many creative options available to educate students who are introverted or bullied.


Parents help with children homework lessons. Parenting care and assistance, kids school education, teaching and explaining, homeschooling lifestyle cartoon vector illustration
Parents help with children’s homework lessons. Parenting care and assistance, kids’ school education, teaching and explaining, homeschooling lifestyle. Image: Adobe Stock.


Parents Can Choose

“Parents choose the curriculum that they teach their children by themselves. They decide what kind of books or what kind of courses their children should study. However, children must know how to write, read, and solve mathematical problems. In addition, parents can add extracurricular courses according to their children’s interest” (Mohinakhon, 2023, 196). Introverted students can begin to enjoy learning and interact with their peers. When given the chance to ask questions, children learn better. And smaller settings can be conducive to a better mental situation for children.


Positive Results

Homeschooling helps students learn to think independently, make decisions, and solve problems. If students begin homeschooling early, they will often excel when compared to their peer group (Mohinakhon, 2023, 196). Homeschooling helps students learn how the world will work when they are finished with school.


Advantages for Everyone

Students facing different types of issues can all benefit from homeschooling, such as those who have fallen behind, kids who have dropped out of school, or adults who want to go back to school. A good education can benefit someone for their whole life. The more knowledge that students have, the more confidence they will gain. Homeschooling Can Limit Abuse.

Introverted students are often bullied by their peers. One would hope that teachers, administrators, and parents immediately stop bullying using sound and firm discipline. But this problem is not always addressed properly. Homeschooling can ease the mind of a student who is bullied and help them to develop a healthy, happy, and secure life.


Education Equals Confidence

Children can enjoy newfound confidence if their parents and teachers support them and they cultivate faith in themselves. Treat students with respect and assure them that there is always a solution to every problem. Anything is possible as long as you set positive goals and stay determined.


Understanding has Impact

“Teenagers can be cared for easily in these situations if the adults involved know how to care for and understand them. A teacher significantly affects how their students grow up as people. Teachers significantly impact their students’ lives outside of the classroom.” (Zubair, Masood, Normana, 2023, 396)


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  1. Mohinakhon, Khamidova. “The Beneficial Side of Homeschools and Public Schools in Primary Students Education.” So Ngi Ilmiy Tadqiqotllar Azariyasi 6, No. 5, (2023): 196-199
  2. Zubair, Muhamma, Masood, Ahmad, and Normana, Tariq. “Role of Parents and Teachers in the Social Development of Students.” Journal of Social Sciences Review 3, No. 1 (2023): 396-405



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