Letter from the Editor – Issue 21

Dear Readers,

DeAndre Nixon, Editor in Chief

The overall public mental health in our nation must be a top priority. Decades ago, social-emotional wellness started to decline when many technologies, apps, and platforms came into our lives. Things started to build up… then came COVID-19 and what followed after. One would say, good for this nation’s mentors, life coaches, therapists, and psychologists. The unresolved social-emotional issues could, and sometimes do, lead to the unwanted and perhaps avoidable crisis in our community. In turn, it affects many individuals’ lives and gains heavy coverage on the news and other outlets.

It is said that Earth rapidly spins at speeds of thousands of miles per hour, traveling around our galaxy at nearly unfathomable rates. One may feel that, like our planet, human activity is constantly hurtling from one thing to the next. This shifting, over time, can lead to cultural, social, economic, emotional, environmental, and technological change. As a society, we must continue to measure and approach the collected data and create meaningful preventative measures moving forward. Although the solution may seem straightforward, the long-term sustainable solution to various societal issues is more complex.

Every layer needs to be peeled back and analyzed constantly. Thus, the spinning of the Earth.

Our motto at iN Education is “Your journey, your impact, our future.” Always remember to focus on your self-development and self-actualization. Listen to your thoughts, feel your emotions, learn all about yourself, and understand your gifts.  Each and every individual can be more equipped to handle the path that presents itself in this ever-changing world.

With that in mind, from our wellness-conscious Zealousness team, you will find articles that uncover “5 ways to build self-esteem in kids”, “Social isolation as a form of bullying”, and “What role does the media play in the social-emotional wellness of youth?” We will also look at “The importance of STEM education for kids” and more featured stories within the margins.

Within each Zealousness issue, we present several engaging ideas. Once again, we encourage an open mind as you explore your inner self and other interests. We hope you enjoy these articles and find those pearls of wisdom to help you achieve your personal learning goals.

Dive into your Zealousness issue!

What are the ways you focus on your well-being daily?

Send us a short (3-4 lines) paragraph or drawing expressing your thoughts!



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