How To Help Children Grow Up To Be Healthy And Strong

Raising a healthy, strong child is a challenging task. It can often be a challenge to ensure that we are giving our children the tools and guidance they need to develop physically, socially, and emotionally to have the best chance of growing up into successful adults. However, with the right strategies in place, you can help your child build their strength by fostering a positive home environment and providing them with the necessary support systems — inside and outside your family.

Young blond girl is playing soccer.
Young blond girl is playing soccer. Illustration by Mario Maia.

1. Promote Physical Activity


Regular exercise is paramount for our youth to grow up as healthy and fit adults. Exercise is a critical component of well-being and encourages physical activity, which can boost energy, improve moods, build strong muscles and bones, reduce stress, sharpen cognitive skills, help children develop motor skills, and sleep better.

Find an activity or sport that your child enjoys to get your child excited about physical activities. You can check out a British Swim School franchise opportunity and get your child swimming lessons in the pool. Swimming is a fun, full-body workout that can help them stay fit while having fun.


2. Encourage Healthy Eating Habits


It is so crucial for parents to encourage their children to form healthy eating habits from a young age. Eating healthy balanced meals gives them the energy and nutrients they need for physical growth, development, and overall health. Plus, when children develop the habit of making nutritious food choices early on, it will be easier for them to make healthier food choices further down the road as teens and adults.

A young blond girl sits in her baby chair, eating healthy snacks like broccoli.
A young blond girl sits in her baby chair, eating healthy snacks like broccoli. Illustration by Mario Maia.


So why start now by teaching your child about healthy portions, proper nutrition labels, and even how to prepare basic meals? Learning these skills together will help your child grow up strong in body and mind— plus, they’ll have a great head start on being confident in the kitchen.


3. Develop Healthy Relationships


As a parent, giving our children the tools they need to develop healthy relationships is vital. Establishing and maintaining strong relationship skills can be one of the most powerful ways to help our kids grow up to live happy, successful lives. Understanding how to positively relate to others and interact in a socially appropriate manner can give them an invaluable confidence boost that will see them through their formative years and beyond.

Two young girls are hugging each other.
Two young girls are hugging each other. Illustration by Mario Maia.

Teaching our children respect for themselves and others, compassion, empathy, and other skills for managing their emotions are just some of the fundamental building blocks for long-term success. Nurturing such characteristics from an early age is a wonderful way for us to set our kids on a path forward that will benefit them throughout their lifetimes.


4. Foster Positive Self-Esteem


Every child deserves recognition and praise for their accomplishments, big or small. Communicating clearly that you believe in their abilities, attentively listening to their ideas, and genuinely appreciating those moments when they succeed will help foster a strong sense of self-worth in your child.

Setting achievable goals will ensure purposeful learning experiences and reward your child with accomplishment. Taking the time to shower them with love and attention will also bolster their belief in themselves. Equipping your children with positive self-esteem is foundational in helping them grow healthy and strong.

Father is squatting down with his young daughter – both showing thumbs up for job well done.
Father is squatting down with his young daughter – both showing thumbs up for job well done. Illustration by Mario Maia.

5. Encourage Sleep Habits


Getting enough rest for mental and physical growth and development is an essential component of a healthy, happy childhood. Sleep habits should be established early on in life; good sleep patterns will help your child become more resilient when facing learning and life challenges. Make sure you set a consistent bedtime – and, just as important, follow it – to ensure your child gets the recommended number of hours of sleep each night (depending on their age).

A young blond girl is sleeping under her blanket.
A young blond girl is sleeping under her blanket. Illustration by Mario Maia.

It’s also essential to create a nighttime routine that includes brushing teeth and putting on pajamas and positive activities like reading stories together or sharing prayer time. These calming activities will encourage more restful sleep so that your child can grow up to be strong and resilient.


6. Teach Time Management Skills


The best way to help children become healthy and strong adults is by teaching them time management skills. Every child should understand how to structure their day. Otherwise, they may find themselves overwhelmed and needing help to keep up when faced with a schedule that requires them to juggle multiple activities.

Knowing how to use organizational skills properly, determine priorities, and promptly tackle tasks helps ensure a child can take on challenging opportunities while maintaining healthy life habits like sleeping and eating right. With the ability to time management behind them, they are more likely to grow up into successful and fulfilled individuals who know how to get things done efficiently.

A young blond girl sits in front of a giant calendar.
A young blond girl sits in front of a giant calendar. Illustration by Mario Maia.

Taking steps to develop healthy habits benefits us and those we interact with. It can be challenging to make changes in these areas, but they are worthwhile investments in our future health and happiness. With perseverance and dedication as allies, we can adopt healthier behaviors that ultimately lead to more joyful lives.


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